Penelope Valentine

"All things truly wicked,
Start from an innocence."


Race: Viera - Veena
Apparent Age: Mid 20's
Status: Single
Occupation: Socialite/Criminal
Birthplace: Unknown
Orientation: Heterosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Pale and alluring Veena of small stature. Her ears and tail are very expressive, especially when interested in conversation or learning new things. A voice that is clear and musical with a distinct Vieran accent.Clothing can vary wildly between soft pink ball gowns to streetwear, it all depends on her mood. She stands with confidence and is sure of herself, always approachable and enticing on purpose.


Outwardly, Penny is every bit the soft and delicate doll that she was groomed to be. Savage when needed, soft and pragmatic when it suits her agenda and always calculating in order to get what she wants. Having been an only child, there was no shortage of spoiling and bending to her every wish and thus, she carries herself with a quiet arrogance. Lurking under the surface of her polished looks, there is something sinister in the shadows that has no limits, no regrets and no sense of time or space.



A worn and handsome leather bound journal. Tempting memories are etched within.


A small gold pitted sewing thimble that she has deeply treasured since her days of old.


A finely engraved silver dagger with a large sparkling sapphire embedded in the hilt.


A scratched brass locket containing a tuft of hair. It smells like Penelope; only slightly different.





Scratching of keratin daggers against the stone
The rabbits scurried and wept, safety no more
A burrow, a tomb, no longer a home
Two with fangs against a huddled score
A lone pale babe shivered, alone

A misty mountain facing the plains that dove into the sea, secluded and until that time, safe. Where did they come from and what was the fascination with evisceration?
At the time she was not a girl nor a boy, age six and now abandoned, death would surely come for her if not for the compassion of a murderer.
She clutched onto the bloodied ear of her Mother as deathly cold hands clutched her waist, a sickening creak of tendons straining followed before a tear and then release.
Bloodied fur stuck to her palms as she was carried away, into the dark, to her death or perhaps worse, a captive of the ones who destroyed her world.
Fed, cared for and eventually drugged on Stockholm Syndrome, she would grow from a Kit to a beautiful woman, happy to have survived but hollow from the circumstances.
Bitterness would punctuate her motives, loss would shadow her joys, and the need for more to fill the void would forever be her agenda.


Each step in the snow took her farther from the tragedy, she gave no struggle and instead succumbed to her fate.
The heavy fabric shadowed the one’s dress in stark contrast against the wilderness, snow and blood. The scent of her was familiar however, old books, leather, cigars and vanilla.
“Are you my Mother” was the first question she spoke after more than a year in a gilded yoke. Spoiled and pampered, a foreign Daughter, raised in a world of brutality and coldness, yet at the same time; Love.
She learned from the best while maintaining a warm temperature, pragmatic savagery was the quality she knew and with time and grooming there was none that could match.
Soft and inviting, her shell was without flaws as intended, like a spider she knew how to trap, worship and eviscerate her victims minds.
“You can call me Penny” the velvet voice would chime, cutting through the atmosphere and piercing the ears and hearts of all who listened.
As she aged and developed into the perfect Hunter, her Mother would deem it necessary to lower her temperature and make life permanent.
Afterall, it was rare to have compassion and all the more to raise one with abilities such as hers, so it was done in the same place she was taken.

Scratching of ivory daggers on her neck
The rabbit stood still as forever crept closer
A burrow, a tomb, life evermore
Two fangs restoring order
Reborn, she would settle the score

About the Writer

Straight female.
One to two paragraph posts preferred.
I am not looking for an OOC relationship.

You must be 21+ in order to roleplay with my character.

I am looking for long term RP partners.

Please feel free to approach me for RP even when my tag is not on. I am also available to schedule scenarios and scenes, just ask!